Industry 4.0 is the Next Leap in Digitization of Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 is the Next Leap in Digitization of Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 can create impact and new opportunities for manufacturing. But what is Industry 4.0 & will it mean to manufacture Sectors?

Industry 4.0 will be the next leap in factory transformation. It is the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is transforming Traditional manufacturing practices into Smart Technologies.

With four principles – interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance, decentralized decisions, Industry 4.0 (also called I4.0/ I4) reach all facets of any manufacturing industry, right from pre-production to sales and delivery & maintenance.

The Benefits of the I4.0 have increased automation, improved monitoring & communication, and Smart machines/products production, which analyses & diagnoses factory issues without much human intervention. These changes involve monetary investment for implementing new technologies and focus on digital culture.

There are several reasons why Industry 4.0 is adopted’ by most manufacturers.

  • With available operational technology solutions like machine monitoring, predictive maintenance, vision inspection, manufacturers can reduce downtime & increase cost efficiency in the process.
  • With the digitization, a well-connected centralized data operation supports effective business decisions, information traceability & documentation of legacy knowledge, address pieces of training
  • Implementing the right technology in place, manufacturers can address operational agility in terms of skill gaps, new trends in production, and the quick launch of products to market

Regardless of what we learn about Industry 4.0, it will be better to think about where your factory is now & where you plan to be in the future in terms of Factory Digitization. Failing to adopt Industry 4.0 may lack the organizations behind to match their competitors as operations are not digitized.

Choosing the right partner for your digitization implementation would make it even easier to perfect any process.

CNC India has delivered its Industry 4.0 solutions to Various Customers in different industrial segments. To know more, log on to or contact our experts.

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